Every woman wants to have full lips without looking fake. Full lips give the impression of sensuality and enhance your youthful appearance. Dr. Melamed is an expert in using Collagen-like (NASHA) products such as Restylane and Juvederm to enhance your lips.

- Volume Augmentation: using collagen-like dermal fillers Dr. Melamed will add volume for a fuller more youthful appearance.
- Correction: using a combination of dermal fillers and Botox or Dysport Dr. Melamed will reduce or eliminate defects in lip symmetry, scars and wrinkles (such as smoker lines).
- Enhancement: using a specialized laser to precisely eliminate fine lines and naturally enhance the appearance of your lips.
What are Collagen-Like (NASHA) Products?
There are several collagen-like products currently available in the United States. Examples are Restylane and Juvederm. These are specific formulations of non-animal sourced hyaluronic acid (NASHA) used in place of collagen. Restylane and Juvederm have both been approved by the FDA for cosmetic injection into facial tissues.

How long will a treatment session take?
Lip enhancement treatment with Restylane or Juvederm is a rewarding process. As no pre-test is needed, the treatment can be carried out immediately. A treatment generally takes 30 minutes. Patients will have the option for local numbing for a completely painless procedure. Following the procedure, patients may immediately return back to daily activities, however, treatment sights may be swollen for 1-2 days. There is also potential for bruising at the injection sight, which may be covered with lipstick and makeup.
Does it hurt?
When enhancing the lips, a local anesthetic injection is often given as this area is the most sensitive. This will numb the lips and make the treatment completely painless.
How soon will I see the results?
The results can be seen immediately, and generally improve even more over 1-2 weeks after the treatment.

What will I look like after the treatment?
Immediately after the treatment, you can expect slight redness, swelling, tenderness or an itching sensation in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injection. The discomfort is temporary and generally disappears in a few days. After a lip treatment, the lips may become swollen and look somewhat uneven. This can persist for a few days (up to a week). If the discomfort continues, please contact your physician.
How long will my treatments last?
Restylane and Juvederm treatment will last between 6-12 months, depending on the treatment areas. Lips enhancement will generally last 6 months, while mid-face contouring will last longer or up to 12 months. Radiesse can provide even longer lasting correction of up to 18 months; however individual results may vary, affected by age, skin type, and lifestyle and muscle activity.
Are there precautions after my treatment?
Yes. During the first 48 hours after your treatment, do not massage or rub the treated area (unless directed by Dr. Melamed). If you have had a lip enhancement, avoid puckering your lips for the first two days after the treatment. Until the initial swelling and redness have resolved, do not expose the treated area to intense heat (e.g. in a sauna or by sunbathing) or extreme cold.
What should I do prior to the treatments?
Avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St. John’s Wort and high doses of Vitamin E supplements one week prior to procedure. This will help minimize any bruising or bleeding at the infection site.
If you have any questions about collagen, Restylane, and Juvederm or any other lip enhancement procedure or would like to make a Complimentary Consultation please schedule and Online Appointment or call toll free 1-88-88-West LA (310-473-1734).